Thats a wrap! 2024 ETX December Social
The East Texas ASSP Chapter wrapped up the year with our December Social, and it was a fantastic way to celebrate 2024’s successes while looking ahead to an even brighter 2025!
A huge THANK YOU to Drake Companies LLC for sponsoring this wonderful evening and to everyone who attended and contributed to making it a success. Your support and participation help us continue building a stronger and more connected safety community.
We also want to highlight our efforts to give back during the event, supporting East Texas CASA teens with gift card donations—thank you to everyone who contributed!
#ASSP #EastTexasASSP #Networking #SafetyProfessionals #DrakeCompanies #CommunitySupport #YearEndCelebration

Professional Safety

Each peer-reviewed issue of Professional Safety offers practical guidance, techniques and solutions to help occupational safety and health (OSH) professionals identify hazards, protect people, prevent injuries, improve work environments and educate management that investing in safety is a sound business strategy. Annual subscription is included with your membership.
WISE Mentoring Program

The WISE Mentoring program successfully connects today’s most talented and experienced women mentors with rising and aspiring mentees. This pairing is designed to encourage and empower mentees to more effectively advance their careers through alignment with identified business objective, skill development, career option consideration, and network formation. All discussions are strictly confidential between the two parties. If you are an SH&E practitioner seeking to chart a successful career path or a seasoned pro eager to share experiences and insight, please visit the ASSP WISE website for more information.